[Chicago] Language Comparison Lighting Talk Submissions

Brian Ray bray at sent.com
Tue Jan 6 16:33:25 CET 2009

If you wish to do a short comparison of Python and some other language  
(not already assigned on http://chipy.org) please have your submission  
in today by 4pm. You can: email to the list, put it on the wiki  
yourself, or email me off the list.

At that time, the announcement for our January meeting will go out to  
the masses.  We will leave just a couple more spots open for late  

If you are listed as presenter, you will receive a separate email  
describing the guidelines for presenting. It will include some  
questions you must answer and the time frame for your presentation.   
Do not start planning your presentation until you get this email,  

At the end we will be voting on the best presentation and open the  
floor for general discussion. Best presentation, not best language ;)

So far, as of 9:30 AM here is the list:

The Python Language Comparison Lighting Talks:

         * C - Daniel Griffin
         * tcl/tk [1]
         * Logo - Ian Bicking
         * Smalltalk -Ian Bicking
         * Groovy - David Durham
         * JAVA - Garrett Smith
         * Ruby - Frederick Polgardy
         * JavaScript - Frederick Polgardy
         * Boo - Feihong Hsu
         * <Programming Language> - <insert your name here>

Brian Ray

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