[Chicago] Python Concurrency Workshop, January 14-15, 2010

David Beazley d-beazley at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 16 13:30:01 CET 2009

Chipy hackers,

This is just a quick note to let everyone know that the Python Concurrency Workshop I ran last May is newly revised and going to have another run on January 14-15, 2010.   So, if you happened to be at that "mindblowing GIL" talk I gave over the summer and it only made your head throb slightly, the workshop will take it to a new level.     The venue for this workshop is in Andersonville, right above Pasticceria Natalina's, across the street from Taste of Heaven, and down the block from the Swedish Bakery.   Believe me, you will be so pumped full of sugar, coffee, and Python that you won't be able to sleep for several days afterwards.  Anyways, more details can be found here: 


As an aside, if there is interest, perhaps I can give a short overview of the Python-3.1 GIL patch at the January Chipy meeting.  I don't recall who's organizing that, but let me know.



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