[Chicago] Jython

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Sun Apr 19 19:48:27 CEST 2009

On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 09:28:29AM -0700, Feihong Hsu wrote:

> If you went to school for computer science between 1998-ish to
> 2002-ish, then you likely picked up Java as one of your first
> programming languages, as many college CS departments switched from
> Scheme or C/C++ to Java. This effort received a lot of support from
> the textbook industry, who were eager to sell more overpriced
> textbooks.

Yeah, I remember those years... from the outside, where there were
these huge numbers of "Dummies for Java" books on the shelves, even
though I knew no one who used the stuff.  Didn't make any sense to me
at the time.

> When I ate dinner with Guido, he or someone else at the table made
> the observation that all the Python programmers he knew had at one
> time programmed in Perl.

There was a time when I probably would have loved Perl, but I was
working in a Xenix 386 environment at the time and if there was a
working port I never found it.  Really could have used a "better AWK"
which was IIRC part of Perl's self-description at the time...

I've picked up a faint familiarity from having to deal with Perl
scripts occasionally, but I've always disliked its line-noise nature
enough that I've preferred to avoid it as much as possible.  So I
wouldn't list it as something I've "programmed in", unlike C, C++,
Smalltalk, Postscript, IITRAN, Fortran, PHP, Python, SQL, ... oh, and
various assemblers, of course, and whatever other minor ones aren't
coming to mind just now.  The cee and pee ones have had been the most
heavily used...

Some kinds of waste really are disgusting. SUVs, for example,
would arguably be gross even if they ran on a fuel which would
never run out and generated no pollution. SUVs are gross because
they're the solution to a gross problem. (How to make minivans
look more masculine.)  -- Paul Graham

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