[Chicago] The MVC Song and other techno-folk oddities

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Mon Sep 29 03:25:14 CEST 2008

No, the plumbing hasn't backed up, just sifting through some old
stuff, deleting the obsolete and updating what needs it...

On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 10:58:46PM -0500, Brian W. Fitzpatrick wrote:
> On Oct 11, 2005, at 9:53 PM, Jason Gessner wrote:
> > i didn't find a video, but i did find this mp3:
> > http://mikezornek.com/blog/audio/ModelViewController.mp3
> Yes!  That's it!  The song's got a good description, but the slides  
> are hysterical.

Surprise, surprise, that blog is defunct, and of course that soundclip
doesn't go anywhere but a 404 now.

> PS That's James Dempsey singing.  He's also done other songs about  
> Enterprise Objects and Cocoa.  He's my hero.

This made it easy to find a version on u2b which includes the slides,
at least mostly.




and... well, you can wander from there on your own.  :-)

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