[Chicago] Job Opening: Python Developer (Telecommute)

Pete pfein at pobox.com
Thu Sep 11 16:10:54 CEST 2008

Hi all-

My company Juju is looking to hire more developers.  Interested?  Talk  
to me at the meeting tonight.


`Juju, Inc. <http://www.juju.com>`__ (Telecommute)

**Job Description**: Juju, a popular vertical search engine focused on  
jobs, seeks skilled **Python Developer** for fun and profit.

Juju's goal is to make job search easier using technology and  
thoughtful user interface design. We strive to create groundbreaking  
tools that make it faster and easier for online job seekers to find  
exactly what they're looking for. Our job search engine provides a  
single point of access to millions of jobs found on thousands of  
employer websites and job boards around the web, and offers features  
that help job seekers screen and apply to the right opportunities more  

Our work to date has enabled us to attract millions of unique visitors  
every month, and laid a solid foundation for the future. The best is  
yet to come - we need talented, creative programmers to help us meet  
our ambitious goals. If you:

  - have deep python experience
  - want to work with bright, motivated people
  - enjoy tackling BIG problems with clever code

send us an application or just drop us a note. If you don't have all  
of the skills below, but think you're a great fit, apply anyway and  
tell us why.

Employees are given substantial freedom to design and implement  
solutions, and allocate their own time. We telecommute and maintain a  
demanding, but flexible, work environment. The team is US based, but  
we will consider qualified global applicants.  Project and part-time  
arrangements are possible.

Candidates should be experienced, well-rounded programmers, familiar  
with a range of practices, including maintaining a shared code base,  
object-oriented design, network programming, multithreading,  
optimization, and unit testing. The ability to communicate effectively  
with coworkers while working independently with limited oversight is  

**NOTE:** *In addition to the position described below, we're looking  
for a System Administrator and an experienced User Interface Designer.  
If that's you, just mention that when applying via the link below.*

**Desired Interest/Experience**:

- Text search & analysis
- RESTful distributed computing & storage
- Web crawling techniques
- Automated text extraction & machine learning
- Building interactive web apps

**Desired Technical Background**:

- Python, Python, Python!
- Linux or other modern UNIX
- Subversion & Trac
- protocol-level HTTP: lighttpd, pound, squid
- Storage Engines: Lucene, SQLite, metakit, memcached
- Twisted

* **Contact**: Juju HR
* **Apply Here**: http://juju.standoutjobs.com/jobs/932-python-developer
* **E-mail Contact**: work at juju.com (apply above)
* **Web**: http://www.juju.com/

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