[Chicago] Integrated wiki + forums

Chris McAvoy chris.mcavoy at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 23:57:53 CEST 2008

Ian Bicking just stole my heart:

I love that guy.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Chris McAvoy <chris.mcavoy at gmail.com>wrote:

> Authentication...gah
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Ian Bicking <ianb at colorstudy.com> wrote:
>> We do that on openplans.org -- the blogs are WordPress, the wiki is a
>> modified Plone (as well as the mailing list), and then we have some other
>> smaller pieces.  We implement common auth by having Plone drive the
>> authentication, and then sync up its user db with WordPress, and some
>> WordPress code to read Plone's auth cookie.
>> ClueMapper is using Deliverance to tie together a couple other pieces
>> (Trac, a paste-bin, and a time tracker):
>> http://projects.serverzen.com/pm/p/cluemapper
> IBM has a social network product that we're using internally at PSC called
> Connections.  It's not too shabby, but it seems like something that could
> just as well be a loose conflagration of best of breed tools.  The missing
> piece, imho, is that single sign on authentication / authorization service.
> A few months ago, I spend a great deal of time setting up CAS (
> http://www.ja-sig.org/products/cas/) and getting it to run with Django.
> Massimo has done the same with KPAX.
> CAS has a really simple API, and does a good job of allowing you to choose
> from a variety of auth backends (ldap, database...other stuff), it then
> passes credentials back to the applications through a token...it's up to the
> apps to handle authorization bits.  It's a nice scheme.  HOWEVER, CAS is a
> total pain to set up.  At least, it was for me, as its a JEE app.
> I know that there's some sorts of movement towards distributed auth
> schemes, but none of them seem to tackle single sign on for internal apps.
> It's a space that's sort of been abandoned by Python folks.
> It's really yet another case of the Java enterprise guys handing us our
> asses by providing a few tools that end up making a ton of sense.
> Anywho, I started drafting the above as a blog post last week...kind of
> funny timing.
> Chris
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