[Chicago] Miro + set top

Milan Andric mandric at gmail.com
Sat Oct 11 07:08:18 CEST 2008

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 2:57 PM, David Durham, Jr.
<david.durham.jr at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/10/08, Milan Andric <mandric at gmail.com> wrote:
>> One thing I find annoying is that dvd vendors don't put network ports
>>  on dvd players.  Why does a guy have to sacrifice a goat to get a
>>  cheap $.50 piece of hardware and basic video decoder software on his
>>  dvd player?
>>  These things sell like hot cakes all over the world except where
>>  people have lots of extra money to throw around on their dvd
>>  collections.
>>  http://www.amazon.com/Avel-Linkplayer-Multimedia-Player-Networkable/dp/B000F8M6TA?tag=particculturf-20
> If all you want to do is send/stream your media across a local
> network, Popcorn hour is an option:
>   http://www.popcornhour.com/onlinestore/
> If you're looking to turn a spare computer into your psychopathic
> media megalomaniac, here's a link to relevant MythTV (and thus linux)
> hardware info:
>  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Category:Hardware

Never heard of popcorn player, but I've played with mythTv quite a
bit, actually just sold my hauppauge card on craigslist a few days
ago.  But my point is that there are already 5 boxes in my
entertainment center and 50 or so different dvd players at the stores.
Yet none of them have a simple ethernet port on them. That says alot
about the state of the art to me.

> Anyway, maybe it would be interesting to see a Miro plugin for MythTV.
>  Or if Miro added support for a MythTV backend as a kind of local
> feeds source, that would be useful because the cross-platform
> myth-frontends space is kind of sparse, but slowly filling up.

Yep, ideally you'd have one box that can play dvd/cd media as well as
anything on the local network or search/subscribe to feeds/podcasts,
and you could sit on the couch for a while. :)


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