[Chicago] 2 unique keys in a python dict?

Massimo Di Pierro mdipierro at cs.depaul.edu
Thu Oct 9 20:45:36 CEST 2008

In a more concise terms. Say I have a table "mytable" with a column a  
(double) and b (string) and want to read data in from a csv file,  
group by b, add all a's for the same b and write the result back in  
CSV. In web2py I do (complete code):


How do I do it in Django?


On Oct 9, 2008, at 1:30 PM, James Snyder wrote:

> Someone has written a script that will do that:
> http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/788/
> You'd first have to create your model and do a syncdb to set up the  
> tables, but that's easy
> I don't have a full code example, but ORDER BY is not hard with the  
> Django ORM. Look for order_by in the query docs: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/
> Also, it may not give you nice object mapping goodness, but using  
> the sqlite3 and csv modules aren't too bad.  Note that going that  
> route, however, will require writing the SQL queries yourself :-)
> -jsnyder
> On Oct 9, 2008, at 1:05 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Can the Django ORM import CSV files and/or generate ORDER BY  
>> queries without additional code snippets?
>> If so, could you post example?
>> On Oct 9, 2008, at 12:17 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:
>>> Or just use Django.
>>> ----- "Massimo Di Pierro" <mdipierro at cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
>>>> Or....
>>>> edit the header of the CSV file and call your columns
>>>>    tid, paid, ttid
>>>> instead of
>>>>    id, paid, transaction
>>>> and remove the '$' signs from there
>>>> download web2py and type
>>>> python web2py.py -S welcome
>>>>>>> db=SQLDB()
>>>>>>> db.define_table('mytable',
>>>>    SQLField('tid','integer'),
>>>>    SQLField('paid','double'),
>>>>    SQLField('ttid','string'))
>>>>>>> db.import_from_csv_file(open('yourfilename.csv'))
>>>>>>> db.commit()
>>>> rows
>>>> =
>>>> db
>>>> ().select
>>>> (db
>>>> .mytable
>>>> .ttid
>>>> ,db 
>>>> .mytable 
>>>> .paid.sum(),orderby=db.mytable.ttid,groupby=db.mytable.ttid)
>>>>>>> for row in rows:
>>>> ... print 'transaction',row.ttid,'total
>>>> amount',row[db.mytable.paid.sum()]
>>>> On Oct 9, 2008, at 11:06 AM, Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:49 AM,  <skip at pobox.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Lukasz> Is it possible to have multiple keys in a python
>>>>>> dictionary?
>>>>>> Certainly.  Though I don't think that's really what you  
>>>>>> intended to
>>>>>> ask.
>>>>>> Lukasz> Normally its only 1 key, and I need to have 2
>>>>>> dictionaries and
>>>>>> Lukasz> somehow manage the uniqueness.
>>>>>> Lukasz> me={}
>>>>>> Lukasz> me['First']='Lucas'
>>>>>> Lukasz> me['Last']='szybalski'
>>>>>> Lukasz> I would like to get 2 keys? Is there something similar to
>>>>>> dict
>>>>>> Lukasz> that would have the property that 2 or more keys are
>>>>>> unique?
>>>>>> Lukasz> me= ?
>>>>>> I'm unclear what you are asking.  Do you want a list of
>>>>>> dictionaries?, e.g.:
>>>>>> names = [
>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>         'First': 'Lucas',
>>>>>>         'Last': 'Szybalski',
>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>         'First': 'Skip',
>>>>>>         'Last': 'Montanaro',
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> ]
>>>>> I have multiple records in a csv file for each userid. I need to
>>>>> calculate total amount paid and last transaction.
>>>>> id,paid,transaction
>>>>> 3,$10,20080101
>>>>> 3,$10,20080201
>>>>> Final Total
>>>>> me={}
>>>>> me[3]=($20,20080201)  (dictionary with a list)
>>>>> now
>>>>> id,subid, paid,transaction
>>>>> 3,1,$10,20080101
>>>>> 3,2,$10,20080201
>>>>> I guess what Massimo said will work, but now I need to know which
>>>> row
>>>>> is the paid and which is transaction?!!
>>>>> me[3,1]=(10,20080101)
>>>>> me[3,2]=(10,20080201)
>>>>> I guess this could do it
>>>>> me[3,1]={'paid':10 , 'transaction':20080101}
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Lucas
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> --
> James Snyder
> Biomedical Engineering
> Northwestern University
> jbsnyder at fanplastic.org
> http://fanplastic.org/key.txt
> ph: (847) 644-2322
> <PGP.sig><ATT00001.txt>

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