[Chicago] New Member

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Sun Oct 5 01:08:39 CEST 2008

On Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 11:34:33AM -0500, Allan Spale wrote:
> My name is Allan and I am interested in learning more about the Chicago
> Python users group and where and when your next meeting will occur.

Welcome to the greatest Python User's Group that's hosted this year's

> Freebase but goes into a somewhat different direction. You can read more
> about the system here: http://my-kaleidoscope.org/platform.html. The

When I read about trying to make sense of all these streams spewing at
you, I thought immediately of this blogicle:


Especially the other blogicle that's linked (in the above - that
doesn't cut'n'paste as easily as the text) in this paragraph:

  Similarly there's much to be said for reducing the productive channels.
  When vast amounts of time and energy is wasted synchronizing and
  copying and managing data than a centralized solution is called for. If
  Web 2.0 has create a situation where the basic management of data
  across different silos is such a problem then maybe Web 1.0 and its
  single, simple homepages is the answer.

I'm not sure that simple home pages are really the answer even though
I've had one since before web 2.0 was a dream in the gleam in
O'Reilly's eye.  Well, not exactly one single one - there are various
bits in varying states of disrepair that I've been meaning to Do
Something About for, oh, more than ten years, some of them.  It's not
so much the tuit shortage as that every time I set out to Do Something
I realize that I'm facing The Problem Of Cleaning One's Workspace - I
know where all that stuff is, mostly, at a level that's below, hence
faster than, conscious thought, and cleaning will break all those
reflexive accesses... </digress>

C makes an art of confusing pointers with arrays and strings, which
leads to lotsa neat pointer tricks; APL mistakes everything for an array,
leading to neat one-liners; and Perl confuses everything period,
making each line a joyous adventure <wink>.  -- Tim Peters

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