[Chicago] Anyone using MacPorts Python exclusively?

Ted Pollari tcp at mac.com
Fri May 16 18:49:23 CEST 2008

On May 16, 2008, at 9:28 AM, Chris McAvoy wrote:

> Macports (macports.org, formerly darwinports) seems to have come a
> long way since I last looked at it.  It still seems like a little bit
> of a all or nothing approach.  Anyone using the MacPorts Python
> exclusively?  I'm on Leopard nowadays, and am liking their version of
> 2.5, but I like that I can get a bunch of difficult to compile modules
> (I'm looking at you lxml) via MacPorts easily.  The only off-putting
> bit is that you really have to go all in.
> Anyone all in?  Anyone want to hold my hand and tell me it will be  
> alright?

We moved some our machines to MacPorts, but, frankly, I'm not too keen  
on it from the little I've personally worked with it -- I feel like  
it's just trading one set of problems for another.  For anything more  
substantial, I'd have to go back and figure out exactly why I formed  
that opinion as it's been a few months.


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