[Chicago] Fwd: Perl/Python Frameworks for the Framework Rumble at Flourish

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Fri Mar 28 22:41:58 CET 2008

Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
> For those of you that are participating in Flourish. Chicago April 4-5
> at UIC. http://www.flourishconf.com
> Organizers are requesting people to represent their web framework at
> Flourish Rumble.
> Please email Roberto Serrano <ohrock at gmail.com>, or info at flourishconf.com
> if you are willing to participate.

There's another hackathon-thingy at Flourish as well, "Code for a Cause 

Instead of competing against each other, presumably you will be 
competing against despair itself, by questing for a better world through 
the power of your code.

I plan on doing this one, though I cannot deny that the Rumble would 
probably be more emotionally satisfying.


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