[Chicago] selecting talks Re: [PyCON-Organizers] Talk slot durations (was: FWD: Re: Pycon disappointment)

Atul Varma varmaa at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 17:08:29 CET 2008

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 10:31 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:

> Also, being a gamer, I thought of the voting system with different
> criteria for giving voters more points to vote on talks. and talks
> would have different costs for voting. by analogy, designing stats and
> leveling up characters.

I'm not sure if this idea is along the same lines as what you're saying
here, but what if the way to choose what talks get busted is based purely on
a completely democratic voting process within the community?  For instance,
once all the talks are turned in, they're all publicly viewable on the PyCon
website; they could even have comment threads where discussion could take
place, e.g. potential audience members could ask the potential presenter in
advance about their proposal, people who have heard the presenter talk
before could provide comments, etc.  Then each community member is given a
pool of, say, 50 points, that they can distribute between proposals however
they like (or a different voting system could be used, I dunno).

Anyways, maybe I just repeated your idea using different words, I'm not
sure... But it does seem like a community-driven conference could use a
slightly more community-driven mechanism for selecting talks.

- Atul
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