[Chicago] Can't make it to the PyCon sprints?

John Melesky list at phaedrusdeinus.org
Sun Mar 16 17:01:51 CET 2008

Do you have to show up to work tomorrow instead of spending the day  
hanging out with Python luminaries contributing to open source projects?

All is not yet lost! Come to TechCoffee instead!

We get together at 6:30am Monday morning, at the Caribou Coffee near  
the corner of LaSalle and Lake in the loop (spitting distance from  
every CTA line). Grab some caffeine, identify a bug or feature to work  
on, and try and crank through it in a couple hours (or at least get a  
good start).

Is 6:30am incredibly early? Yep. But think about it this way: would  
you rather start your workweek hacking on some open source projects  
and getting stuff done, or dragging yourself to work to barely tune  
into the monday morning status meeting?


ps- http://techcoffee.com/ for more info

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