[Chicago] Python/Mono slapdown [no pycon content]

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Thu Mar 6 13:33:20 CET 2008

Mortadelo is a GUI tool that allows easy access to [some of] the
capabilities of Linux's SystemTap - but that's not important. 
Mortadelo is written in C#, and one of the authors, who has some prior
experience using Python, has taken the time to talk about what he likes
and dislikes about both languages (and, inescapably, their libraries,
low-level bindings, etc.)


Having just been looking at SWIG and ctypes, I'm tempted to guess that
he might not be familiar with the latter, but as I know literally
nothing about how C# handles binding to extenal C code I could be

The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which
no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure
of the holder's lack of rational conviction  -- Bertrand Russell

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