[Chicago] [PyCON-Organizers] My visit to the conference hotel

Cosmin Stejerean cstejerean at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 07:32:24 CET 2008

> I think I've made my point abundantly clear now.  If I haven't, continuing
> to blather on isn't going to get me anywhere, so I'm done here.  As I
> prefaced my first email, if we're already going to have enough to
> accommodate all of the 88%, then I have nothing to add, and I'm sorry for
> all the on-list noise.
> Don Spaulding
>  <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pycon-organizers>

I understand your concern, I'm not particularly happy with having to eat a
"roasted veggie wrap" if the "meat" options run out. But I'm guessing a
vegetarian would be even less happy with having to eat a meat sandwich (or
not eat anything at all) if we run out of veggie options.

I think your point is valid, but there is a problem with your original
proposal. Putting a sign reminding folks to eat only the option they signed
up for a month in advance isn't going to help so there is no point to create
that sign. The only result of putting up such a sign is making it look like
PyCon wasn't able to buy enough food and is now trying to make sure there is
enough for everyone.

Let's order enough food for everyone.

- Cosmin
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