[Chicago] My visit to the conference hotel

Pete pfein at pobox.com
Sun Mar 2 01:10:22 CET 2008

On Saturday March 1 2008 4:56:33 pm skip at pobox.com wrote:
>     * There was no vegetarian sandwich option displayed in the menu or in
>       the samples I was shown.  I told them that between 10% and 20% of the
>       registrants specified vegetarian or vegan food.  I told them that
> they could either substitute one of the meat sandwiches with some sort of
> vegetarian option (say, a roasted veggie wrap) or just reduce all the other
> sandwich options by 10-20% and add a vegetarian option.  Given that they
> currenty have four meat options I think they could serve two or three of
> them at each lunch with a veggie option.  That would allow them to rotate
> the meat choices and thus vary the lunch menu a bit day-by-day.

As a functional vegetarian, let me commence the requisite Vegetarian Whining:

A roasted veggie wrap is not a real meal.  Such meals usually consist of a few 
overcooked greasy peppers & onions, and maybe some broccoli & cheese if 
you're lucky.  Missing here is any significant source of protein.  While I 
don't expect the kitchens of Corporate America to start serving up tofu or 
tempeh, there are ways of making vegetarians happy that the hotel may be able 
to accomodate.  In particular, rice and legumes (lentils, beans, peas) 
*together* (you've got to have both) make a full-protein meal.  Stuff some in 
the aformentioned wrap and you've got happy herbivores.

That said, like most vegetarians, I'm used to such treatment, and will 
probably go out for lunch or bring my own burrito.

> locals who drive.  She confirmed that it's about a five-minute walk from
> the Rosemont Blue Line stop.  We can probably cajole them into having their

Looking at the Google map, that sounds about right.  Maybe we can post a sign 
at the El exit pointing the direction to walk?  

>     * Vegan options are still a bit up-in-the air.  It's fairly uncommon to
>       get pastries made without eggs, for example.  We'll have to press
> them a little to satisfy that option I think.

Strict vegan/halal/kosher folk probably expect to find/bring their own food in 
general.  Given the tiny numbers of people asking for such meals (less than 
1%  total), I don't think it's unreasonable to encourage them to seek lunch 
elsewhere - it's not like an airplane flight with no other options.

Peter Fein   ||   773-575-0694   ||   pfein at pobox.com
http://www.pobox.com/~pfein/   ||   PGP: 0xCCF6AE6B
irc: pfein at freenode.net   ||   jabber: peter.fein at gmail.com

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