[Chicago] reddish: reddit clone on gae

Kevin Harriss special.kevin at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 00:26:53 CEST 2008


Here are some initial feedback:

1) I noticed is that you get no feedback if you try to vote on a link
with being logged into the site.  Reddit tells you need to create an
account or log in and gives you the forms to do so.  This is the
behavior I would expect from your site as well.

2) On the comment screen why is the help link all alone off by itself?

3) Why are the titles yelling at me?  When I submit a news story it
doesn't honor case, it just converts everything to uppercase.


On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Massimo Di Pierro
<mdipierro at cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Could anybody this give a try?
> http://web2py.appspot.com/index/politics
> Massimo
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- specialKevin
- Kevin Harriss
- http://www.specialkevin.com

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