[Chicago] MeetUp

Ishmael Rufus sakamura at gmail.com
Thu Jun 26 23:37:20 CEST 2008


Could you clarify why Meetup is not very helpful about being one 
announcement location among many?

Ian Bicking wrote:
> Chris McAvoy wrote:
>> Nothing's broken, but it's always good to think of ways to push the
>> language down people's throats.  I was always pretty much anti-meetup
>> until my wife became a SAHM (stay at home Mom), she's found a ton of
>> good meetups.  Brian is right, that we might see a lift in
>> participation if we incorporate meetup.
> If we want to boost participation, which is probably a good idea, a 
> simple list of "places to submit meeting announcements" would be 
> really handy.  There's a couple related event announcement blogs, we 
> could have a blog of our own just dedicated to announcements, some 
> mailing lists, and Meetup as well could be an item.  Though Meetup is 
> weird in that they aren't very helpful about being one announcement 
> location among many.

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