[Chicago] [Flourish] Framework Rumble

Massimo Di Pierro mdipierro at cs.depaul.edu
Wed Jun 18 18:16:14 CEST 2008

I find the personal offense not necessary. Anyway.... I think this  
issue is relevant to the Python users group because members of the  
group were there, some as jusgdes, I felt I was representing some  
pyrhon users (against the PHP community and the Ruby community, in a  
sportive sense), and I would appreciate if they could say something.
They organized an event, only one person participated, somebody did  
not like this, and now they are saying it did not happen. I am not  
asking them to say that web2py won or that web2py is better than  
other frameworks. I agree the Rumble was a failure from this point of  
view. I do not blame members from other frameworks for not  
I would have left this alone if they had not emailed everybody  
yesterday pointing to that web page.


BTW. have we ever met? I mean personally. I will be happy to offer  
you a coffee any day and perhaps I can convince you that you are  
wrong. Or perhaps you can explain me what I have done to upset you so  
much. I do not feel I have, I am a bit surprised, and I am willing to  
do something to improve my relations with you and other people who  
may feel like you.

On Jun 18, 2008, at 10:49 AM, Tom Tobin wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 12:52 AM, Massimo Di Pierro
> <mdipierro at cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> [snip]
>> This is inappropriate and offensive because makes me look like a  
>> liar before
>> people who do not know better. Many people saw me there working on  
>> the
>> rumble. I am cc-ing everybody who has received the notification of  
>> the start
>> of the Rumble on April 4.  I attached our correspondence before  
>> and after
>> the Rumble.
> You know, *I* find it offensive that you spam every single person and
> mailing list you can think of to assuage your wounded pride.  You've
> always struck me as a tad high-strung, but this is ridiculous.
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