[Chicago] Girl Geek Dinner chicago aug 22nd - please forward

Alex McFerron hamcferron at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 29 16:52:47 CEST 2008

Python group,
  I've been a lurker for some time. I keep hoping to make it to a python meeting in chicago! I loved pycon. 
  OK - I noticed this on a list I am on (Devchix) and I am not sure who wrote it but I'm passing on this information in case anyone wants to come to this event.
  alex mcferron
  Message i found on Devchix mailing list:
  I thought I would forward this Geek Girl event information
  Girl Geek Dinners have been popping up all around the world for nearly
three years.  They've been huge successes in Sydney, London, San Fran,
Malaysia, Toronto,...(you get the point).   Next stop: Chicago!  And just
to clarify, this is not a ThoughtWorks event.  It's simply a group of
women (and yes men are invited as well)  in IT who are interested in
networking with people in the same field.
  The idea is to get a group of women who work in technology together to
discuss their experiences and exchange ideas in a comfortable, casual
environment.  The obvious goal of the event is to meet other women in jobs
similar to what you do every day and share knowledge.  The long term aim
is to make the technical world more intriguing and accessible to people of
all age, race, and gender. For more info:  http://girlgeekdinners.com/
  Why am I telling you this?
  Well we need some help.  If you know any women in technology in the
Chicago area, please reach out to them to see if they'd be interested in
attending.  There's no obligation obviously- consider this a user group
that will meet monthly or bimonthly at a selected venue.  We have a
facebook  page, as well a mailing list to keep everyone updated.  I
believe we already have over 30 people interested in attending.  Please
feel free to pass this information on to anyone you know who may be
interested in joining us.  Also, please let me know if you'd like to
attend or help with organization.
  Where:  ThoughtWorks office- 200 E. Randolph 25th Floor
  When: Friday, August 22nd  5:30/6:00 to 8:30
  How to get involved:  Email - ChicagoGGD at gmail.com, Facebook (Girls Geek
Dinner Chicago)
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