[Chicago] import question

Tim Ottinger tottinge at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 20:21:23 CET 2008

Pete wrote:
> On Wednesday January 23 2008 12:34:32 pm Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> When people write code, they should not assume that their modules are
>> going to be installed in site-packages or in a location in sys.path.
> Umm, yes, they should.  Prior to 2.5's relative imports, you didn't have a 
> choice, and I don't think relative imports solve every situation.
> Perhaps *you* shouldn't assume you can just take someone's code and install it 
> however you happen to feel like today and expect it to work.
Especially if you have some kind of package management like apt
or YUM or the like.  If you embed it, the users won't get upgrades.
Better to have your package include a list of dependencies so the
installer can take care of it.

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