[Chicago] My Tutorial!

Feihong Hsu hsu.feihong at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 11 17:25:45 CET 2008

Although the PyCon 2008 talk schedule has not yet been finalized, the
tutorial schedule has already been officially announced:


Kumar McMillan and I worked on a tutorial together, and it is titled
"Secrets of the Framework Creators":


Our target audience for the tutorial is intermediate Python
programmers, see the "Requirements" section for more details. 

One thing that distinguishes our tutorial is that we look at a number
of well-known python modules and discuss how they use advanced Python
features to implement their APIs. We then go through a couple of
targeted examples that show how to use a particular Python feature in
a realistic usage scenario. Our goal is to help you understand how to
write libraries/frameworks that have simpler, cleaner APIs, thus
reducing the amount of code you write when you use your library.
Quite a bit of the material in the tutorial is tied to what I learned
as I was making wxPita, the programming of which really stretched the
limits of my Python knowledge.

I wouldn't go as far as calling myself an "educator", but I do have
some background in teaching computer science at the college level and
also English at the junior high level. So you can expect a reasonably
polished presentation, not the fumbling-through-illegible-notes style
you saw at the wxPita talk (I blame that one on lack of preparation,
which won't be an issue here). 

I hope you'll consider signing up for our tutorial! And even if you
don't, I hope to see you all at PyCon in March!



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