[Chicago] Gently off topic: independent contractors and contracts

Garrett Smith garrett at mojave-corp.com
Mon Feb 25 20:34:47 CET 2008

I have this friend. He's smart (so you know I'm not really talking about
myself) and a lawyer. In the past he's helped me sort out some issues with
sundry contract issues related to software development.

Question to any independent software developers on the list: Do you ever
find yourself wanting a legal review of a software contract to make sure
you're not missing anything important?

If you're anything like me, you're a cheap bastard (okay, "cost
conscious") and don't want to engage a full fledged firm because you
suspect they'll over charge you for what should be a simple and reasonably
priced service. All you really need is perhaps a $200-$300 review by a
competent tech attorney to make sure you've got your bases covered in the

Anyone been in that position before? Thoughts on a simple, fixed-fee price
for such services?


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