[Chicago] hello all

lostson lostson at lostsonsvault.org
Mon Feb 25 22:04:18 CET 2008

 Hello I am new to this list but saw it in the python website and was hoping maybe someone could give me a hand. I have started working with python and found a irc bot tutorial and am having problems. here is my code so far 

import irclib
import time
irclib.DEBUG = True

# Connection information
network = 'irc.wirednetwork.org'
port = 6667
nick = 'lostbot'
name = 'lostbot'
channel = '#thevault'

# Create an IRC object
irc = irclib.IRC()

# Create a server object, connect and join the channel
server = irc.server()
server.connect ( network, port, nick, ircname = name )
server.join ( channel )

# Jump into an infinite loop

 This works on every other network but my friends it appears it is trying to join the channel to quickly and kicks an error back. It the goes through the rest of the way but does not join the channel. I have tried using the time.sleep option but this does not work either. So my question is how can i make it so it goes through normal process getting to the server the after it is connected have it join a channel ? Thanks

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