[Chicago] Feb 14 ChiPy meeting

Christopher Allan Webber cwebber at imagescape.com
Tue Feb 12 18:16:59 CET 2008

Well, in that case I'll postpone my talk till next month.  I'm excited
to talk about it, but I'm also more willing to wait until I'm better

Besides, I'm hoping to have a *real* release of PyStage before this
upcoming meeting, so I should probably focus on that :)

Feihong Hsu <hsu.feihong at yahoo.com> writes:

> --- Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com> wrote:
>> B) normally things come out of the woodwork.
> Speaking of which, I would like to present some work I've been doing
> with transforming my resume from YAML to various file formats (XML,
> plaintext, HTML, ODT, PDF, RTF, MSWord). I'm not done coding it, but
> I have done enough work that I could talk about certain things:
> - Difference between YAML and XML, how to convert between them
> - Various libraries that I used: PyYAML, Python UNO, Mako, Genshi,
> lxml
> - Genshi Vs XSLT in HTML generation
> - Mako Vs XSLT in plaintext generation
> - Internal structure of Open Office Writer format (ODT files)
> - Creating documents based on templates created in Open Office
> I could spin this talk a number of different ways, so if there's some
> subtopic that people are especially interested in, let me know and I
> can focus on that. 
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