[Chicago] web2py 1.20 is out

Cosmin Stejerean cstejerean at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 05:47:30 CET 2008

I really liked web.py for a while in that it didn't force me to write code
any given way. It just provided the boilerplate WSGI parsing and allowed one
to go from there. The nice part about this is that you can write some boiler
plate code the first time and create some "framework" for yourself and then
re-use it in future projects. But what really drew me to Pylons honestly is
seeing the web based debugger. The ability to get an interactive web page
when there is an error and be able to inspect the code and get a full
featured Python prompt.
On Feb 4, 2008 9:29 PM, Daniel Griffin <dgriff1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am also confused. There seems to be 2 types of framework, the
> opinionated holier than thou kind(Ruby on Rails, Django) and the super
> flexible, everything to everybody kind like Pylons.
> The one thing I dont really understand is constantly re-writing pieces
> like ORM or template languages. I have been using Pylons(with varying
> success) which leans slightly towards SQLAlchemy and Mako, but will also
> work with SQLObject, DBapi, Kid, Myghty and a slew of other things, which is
> nice but also very confusing since the documentation is rough and packed
> with side notes. I would really like Prof. Di Pierro's input on this and why
> he went the way he did with web2py.
> I still havent found a framework that is easy to use for me, namely
> flexible ORM(support for multiple databases, composite keys) and easy
> presentation using Ext, Prototype etc. Pylons really falls down when it
> comes to presentation, I want quick and easy forms and Pylons hasnt really
> delivered.

I wouldn't look to a web application framework to provide quick easy forms.
Either find a library that allows you to do this or roll out your own.

> I have been trying to solve a much larger problem than any of these
> frameworks really prepares me for, namely working with creating a web
> front-end to a mature piece of enterprise software. Pylons has given me the
> most hope so far, but I think I am still going to end up writing a ton of
> boilerplate code.

I wouldn't make that assumption. And if you do end up writing a bunch of
code you'll end up with a system that works the way you want (and more
importantly in a way that you fully understand). For any non-trivial
application no framework will work off the shelf.

> Sorry if this is a bit of a rant and I dont mean to be rude to Prof. Di
> Pierro, I am just struggling to figure out which way is the right way.

What I really like is not having the framework make any decision about what
kind of ORM or templating language I should use. Applications generate more
than just HTML (XML, json, PDF, etc) and can use more than just a RDBMS. But
the core of a web application is the ability to handle HTTP requests and
responses and that's all I personally want from a web framework. I'm
perfectly capable of picking the rest.

> Dan

- Cosmin
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