[Chicago] T3

DiPierro, Massimo MDiPierro at cs.depaul.edu
Fri Dec 5 20:15:15 CET 2008

> README in web2py refers to runme.py

oops. web2py.py was called runme.py

> Why .tar for plugins and not .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 or .zip?

yes, I should add the option to understand other zip formats. It would be great if you could send me a patch.

> The WYSIWYG editor is too tall; it would be nice to keep it constrained to the height of the window ($(window).height()).

Yes. I will fix it.

> Linking in the WYSIWYG editor isn't working for me; it just defocuses the editor.  And you should use Xinha instead of Nicedit, because Xinhais cooler.

I will give it a try.

> Search doesn't work for me. 

Which search? could you send me more details?

> I like that errors in the templates are localized.  I'll have to try doing that myself (in PickyWiki the whole page dies if there's any
problems in any template, which is lame if you have non-programmers editing code).

The forms and errors are generated automatically so non-programmers only see things like {{=form}} or {{=self.create(db.table)}} or {{=self.update(db.table)}}, etc. They cannot change anything about error. In web2py they can via the CSS but T3 does not allow the same level of customzation that web2py allows. T3 only allows inserting plugins o python code. Eventually it will be merged with http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/layouts

> You don't allow page names to include "-", only "_".  You might also want to look at the PickyWiki code to autofill the path in Javascript
(the JS is inline in the edit screen, and is triggered only when you create a page).

Thanks I will.

> There are Menu/Public options on the create page that aren't on the edit page.

They are on the edit page not not on the Main edit page because you must have at least one item i the menu and it must be visible. It is the entry page of the application.

Thank you for your comments. They are very insightful and I will try address some of the issues.


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