[Chicago] Dec. meeting RSVPs - or - how to beat the security ninjas

Josh Cronemeyer jcroneme at thoughtworks.com
Tue Dec 2 18:57:02 CET 2008

Hey gang, here's the deal.  The AON building, where the december meeting 
will be, has a crack team of security ninjas.  In order to thwart their 
plot to keep you all out of the meeting we need to get a list of names 
enumerating all the attendees of the next meeting.  So, if you are coming 
or considering coming, please send me an email with your first and last 
name, and your favorite monty python quote.  People who's names aren't on 
the list will still be able to get in, but it will take you longer because 
the ninjas have to call me and wait around while I put your name into the 

Josh Cronemeyer
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