[Chicago] ChiPy Announcement *only* list

Chris McAvoy chris.mcavoy at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 22:43:54 CEST 2008

I got it.

Sorry dudes, I'm not reading every email as of late.

What else have I missed?

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 3:29 PM,  <skip at pobox.com> wrote:
>    Garrett> Whoever's moderating this list (chicago at python.org), I have an
>    Garrett> announcement for a beer night (this wed or thurs) that's being
>    Garrett> held up for some reason. Could you take a look?
> At this point I think that is just Chris McAvoy.  Perhaps he's away on
> vacation.  I tried both using the chicago list passwords for both the admin
> and moderator URLs for chipy-announce but was denied access, so I assume
> Chris hasn't yet changed anything from the defaults.
> Skip
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