[Chicago] web2py on appengine

Massimo Di Pierro mdipierro at cs.depaul.edu
Tue Apr 22 06:52:23 CEST 2008

Here is a version of web2py that works on appengine


  if and only if....

1) you do not use the web2py ORM, you can use the appengine one
2) you do not use admin (since you cannot edit files)
3) you do not use cache.disk (same reason as before)
4) you do not use sessions (response.session_id=None)
5) you do not bytecode compile applications


    unzip web2py_for_appengine.zip

    then visit:

While this works on the appengine we are running tests to make sure  
we did not break anything else on "other" platforms.
We are also working on porting the web2py ORM to the appengine which  
should be trivial. As soon as this is done this will go in trunk.



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