[Chicago] Census?

Russell Dillenburg rc.dillenburg at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 07:07:52 CEST 2007

Ok I just wanted to chime in hear. This thread sparked an interest since I
am a java developer.  For a couple of years now I have been moving a little
closer to programming in Python.  I already wrote a couple scripts at work
in python, mostly just wrappers.   It did not take long at all to get going
with it, compared with php or java.  And the code looked so much cleaner
than similar php or perl scripts.

On 9/26/07, Chris McAvoy <chris.mcavoy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I know this topic comes up constantly, but I'm interested in any data
> (anecdotal or otherwise) on how difficult (or easy) it is to hire a
> good Python web developer in Chicago.
> *Specifically*
> *) How tough is it to hire a Python Django developer?

So with that I don't think it would be hard to find a python developer.
Just hire a good OO and scripting developer and you're set.  Good
programmers write good code in any language.

*) Is it easier (and / or cheaper) to hire a Rails developer?

*) Is it easier (cheaper) to hire a PHP developer?

Let's just say you get what you pay for.  That's not to say that php will
not get the job done.  I refer back to the Good Programmers/Good Code

*) Pretend you're a freelancer, justify writing an web application in
> [the python web framework of your choice] to a potential Chicago-land
> client that won't use your services for the long term life of the
> application.  They want you to write it, and walk away.  How will they
> support the app once you've left?
> Any thoughts on how to quantify these sorts of questions is welcome
> Chris
> PS. .  Yes, you're doing my homework for me.
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