[Chicago] invitation to help with the PyCon web site (esp. the Chicago pages!)

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Tue Sep 18 19:53:21 CEST 2007

The PyCon 2008 site went live a couple of weeks ago:


The site (page contents and the NavBar/menu) can be edited through the
web.  The markup is reStructuredText.

I set up an initial menu structure for the site, but many pages lack
content.  The Chicago pages especially need attention:


There's even a page for ChiPy:


Please help out.  Go to the site and create an account, activate it,
and then send email to me or to Doug Napoleone (doug.napoleone (at)
gmail dot com), and we will give you access to edit the site.  Details
and links here:


Doug put together some documentation:

* NavBar docs:

* "A ReST Wiki for PyCon2008" Screencast:

Pages can be added easily.  Suggestions are welcome.


David Goodger
PyCon 2008 Chair

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