[Chicago] Rewriting Python?

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Sun Nov 11 08:07:19 CET 2007

Okay, this one hooked me, even though it's not saying anything really
new.  I think it was the throwaway explanation of why blogs are so
often the way they are.  But about back to thoughts about writing code:

  There’s some sort of fetish for small vocabularies in our industry.
  This idea that if you use simple words and simple sentences, clear
  writing necessarily follows without further effort. This is like
  assuming that the smaller your vocabulary, and the simpler your
  sentences, the more you write like Hemmingway.


Then I can figure out what the information-support needs are and
build a prototype for people to respond to.  This works, because
people generally don't know what they need, but they can tell you
with certainty when you get it wrong.  -- Paul Murphy

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