[Chicago] Suggestions for things to see in Chicago

Ted Pollari tcp at mac.com
Tue May 29 20:01:44 CEST 2007

On May 29, 2007, at 12:36 PM, Jason Rexilius wrote:

> U of C + Python = dave beasley &| humanized guys..
> They are all on this list so hopefully they will respond to you.
> Dave?..
> Atul?..
> Michael Weigend wrote:
>> Hi Jason,
>> thank you for the extensive tourist information about Chicago.  
>> Indeed I am
>> thinking about skipping the Niles tower, since we have something  
>> similar
>> here in Europe;)
>> By the way , do you know someone at the University of Chicago who  
>> might be
>> willing to have cup of coffee with me and to chat about teaching  
>> Python and
>> stuff like that...
>> Michael asks

Our group is at the University of Chicago and we use python for many  
data related tasks, but as of yet, we have no experience with it in  
teaching situations.

If you're looking to head to the UofC, be advised that the UofC is  
out of the way when it comes to Chicago geography and public  
transportation -- it's not especially near any of the elevated train  
lines and is most easily accessed by car/taxi or bus from downtown  
(we're about 7 miles (~11-12km) south of downtown).

Ted Pollari
Research Programmer
Department of Health Studies
The University of Chicago
tcp at uchicago.edu

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