[Chicago] Suggestions for things to see in Chicago

Michael Weigend mw at media-objects.de
Tue May 29 18:13:16 CEST 2007

Hi Jason,

thank you for the extensive tourist information about Chicago. Indeed I am 
thinking about skipping the Niles tower, since we have something similar 
here in Europe;)
By the way , do you know someone at the University of Chicago who might be 
willing to have cup of coffee with me and to chat about teaching Python and 
stuff like that...

Michael asks

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jason Rexilius" <jason at hostedlabs.com>
To: "The Chicago Python Users Group" <chicago at python.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Chicago] Suggestions for things to see in Chicago

I believe Michael was joking there..

There are the normal tourist things which are worth doing:

- architectural boat tour from Navy Pier

- observation deck in Sears tower

There are the native Chicago gems:

- jazz at the Greenmill (Al Capones old jazz bar)

- burgers from Billy Goat under the Wrigley building (saturday night
live skit based on it)

- baseball game at Wrigley field (I hate baseball but its worth going
and there are games the days you are here)

- dinner at 160blue (great restaurant):

Music, theater, arts, etc.:


Hope that helps!



yuck.. ;-)

Michael Tobis wrote:
> No visiting geek should miss the Leaning Tower of Niles.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaning_Tower_of_Niles
> mt
> On 5/24/07, Michael Weigend <mw at media-objects.de> wrote:
>> Thank you, Atul, for your suggestions for things to see in Chicago.
>> I am a German Pythonist stopping by in Chicago (30.6. - 2.7.) on my way 
>> from
>> a conference in Boston to some friends in Cincinnati, profiting from your
>> knowledge about Chicago ...
>> Regards
>> Michael
>> Michael Weigend
>> Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
>> Institut für Didaktik der Mathematik und der Informatik
>> Büro: Fliednerstrasse 21, Raum 2,407 Fl
>> 48149 Münster
>> Telefon: +49 251 83-31390
>> Fax: +49 251 83-39369
>> E-Mail: michael.weigend at uni-muenster.de
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