[Chicago] ChiPy meeting this thursday

Atul Varma varmaa at gmail.com
Mon May 7 16:44:53 CEST 2007

That would be cool, Pete... There are a lot of things I like about
setuptools but I'm not very keen on the fact that it sort of seems to be "at
war" with distutils, which goes against the "there's only one way to do it"
grain of Python... Some insight into this issue would be much appreciated,
if you have any.

I'd be into giving a 5-minute lightning talk.  Over the past month I've been
casually working on the ZVM project that Ben started and I could walk
through a very tiny "case study" of some work I did on integrating ZVM
(written in Python) with a C API called Glk.  It'd also motivate me to work
a little more on said integration before the meeting. :)

- Atul

On 5/7/07, Pete <pfein at pobox.com> wrote:
> On Monday May 7 2007 9:25 am, Atul Varma wrote:
> > The ChiPy meeting is this thursday (the 10th), right?
> >
> > Are we having it at Skinnycorp?  Who's presenting?
> Works for me.
> > I recall that Peter Fein mentioned he'd like to give a
> > setuptools/easy-install talk.  Peter, are you still up for that?
> Eh, sure.
> I definitely want to talk about "Installing things with setuptools" and I
> can
> also cover a bit of "Packaging with distutils", depending on how long
> y'all
> want to hear me blather/how copious my free time is this week.
> --
> Peter Fein   ||   773-575-0694   ||   pfein at pobox.com
> http://www.pobox.com/~pfein/   ||   PGP: 0xCCF6AE6B
> irc: pfein at freenode.net   ||   jabber: peter.fein at gmail.com
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