[Chicago] [PSF-Members] PyCon 2007 profit/loss statement (fwd)

Ted Pollari tcp at mac.com
Mon Jun 11 03:43:31 CEST 2007

On Jun 10, 2007, at 11:59 AM, Adam Jenkins wrote:

> Don't worry. I know the PSF is a good organization. :-) I was just  
> curious about where it went.

Yes, just like Pete said -- but again, the whole idea is that PyCon  
is supposed to operate at a break-even or slight loss...  but  
attendance growth keeps making it a profitable venture -- and if I  
recall correctly, all of that money stays allocated for PyCon in  
years ahead... but I'm not an authoritative source on the matter --  
David Goodger would be a great person to answer any questions with  
reliable answers =)


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