[Chicago] loom simulator

sheila miguez shekay at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 16:36:23 CET 2007

On 2/27/07, Kumar McMillan <kumar.mcmillan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I haven't dabbled much in desktop apps but I sat in on the Dabo talk
> on a whim.  Wow!  it makes wxPython wayyy simpler.  I know there's a
> ton of things that also try and simplify wxPython but Dabo looks super
> cool.  Ed Leafe even had the balls to demo the last thing he had
> checked in, and it worked :)  I'm not sure if that was the report grid
> builder, the image drag and drop or some other widget in a interface
> builder.  What a champ.
> http://dabodev.com/

heh, I am 438 threads behind in the dev and user dabo mailing list. I
have a page there. http://dabodev.com/wiki/SheilaMiguez

I don't think I'll use it to do a little loomsim program, but I was
thinking about playing around with it to do something with a database
for myself. I think cocoalicious is a neat little app for the mac, but
there are things about it I'd like to see improved, and while I'm at
it learn stuff so I was thinking of playing around with objective c
for one and then also trying out dabo or vanilla wxPython for

re dabo in general, I'm not used to using a gui thingee to build gui's
so using wizards to do things then editing the results got under my
skin. So then I started playing around without wizards -- better, but
I kept wondering what I got from that beyond merely using wxPython.

after I experimented with both I figured I would have a better feel
for what the added value might be.

anyway, I tend to get interested in a gazillion different things and
have all these plans then they get squashed by life and work so I
haven't followed through on all this yet.

old rambling notes-to-self  I dumped here


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