[Chicago] loom simulator

sheila miguez shekay at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 19:28:15 CET 2007

I was discussing this with Carl a while back


and he made his usual I am learning a language so I will rewrite this
for Mom program.

and I wanted to make it pretty and change teh model and stuff.

for making it pretty (curses and/or widgets) I am not sure how I am
going to draw on the screen. I've been reading through wxPython.

I haven't kept up with my notes on the page though.

and I got interrupted by constantly working and haven't done much.

One of the people who gave a talk at PyCon actually weaves, neat. I
asked her if she had done any sort of program, nope.

I'm also pondering what type of object model to make for it--okay, I
have a really bad habit of overthinking, but whatever.


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