[Chicago] PyCon (WAS:Re: python beginner)

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Wed Feb 14 18:44:33 CET 2007

Ian Bicking wrote:
> Ted Pollari wrote:
>> On Feb 14, 2007, at 11:08 AM, Ian Bicking wrote:
>>> With this many Chicago people, do we have time to make ChiPy  
>>> buttons or
>>> something?  Um... probably not.  It would be cool though.
>> And would you pay a few bucks for them if I got custom lapel pins made?
> Sure thing.  Are we just talking the simple round buttons?  Those are 
> the buttons I like most anyway.
> A squirrel pictured in mortal combat with a python would be super.  You 
> know, something to show how totally badass we are.

by mortal combat, you mean hanging out in a bar, right?

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