[Chicago] OT:leopard vs Tiger

Patrick O'Hara pohara at virtualmotors.com
Fri Dec 28 03:21:29 CET 2007

why does Lepoard fail to recognize  my wirless network  
unless i go upstairs  to my home offce  shut off COMCAST CABLE MODEM
unplug  router,
Tiger  automatically  recognized my  wireless network and NEVER  WAS A PAIN LIKE THIS??

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: adam at spatialsystems.org 
  To: The Chicago Python Users Group 
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 7:50 PM
  Subject: Re: [Chicago] OT: MacBook vs. MacBook Pro?

  Also, I noticed that TF.cgi was putting TRUE or FALSE in there with a newline, I just removed that.


    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Re: [Chicago] OT: MacBook vs. MacBook Pro?
    From: "Cosmin Stejerean" <cstejerean at gmail.com>
    Date: Thu, December 27, 2007 6:09 pm
    To: "The Chicago Python Users Group" <chicago at python.org>

    About a year ago I was debating between the MacBook Pro and the MacBook. A friend let me borrow his MacBook for a bit and after playing with it here is what made me decide to buy a 15' MacBook Pro. 

    1. The keyboard on the 13'' Mac is (or at least seems) smaller which makes it uncomfortable for me to type on.
    2. I was used to 15'' laptop screen so the 13'' seemed too small
    3. The MacBook used to get very hot (hotter than the MBP where the aluminum case seems to help). Recent firmware upgrades have made this less of a problem (and tools like FanControl)
    4. I wanted a dedicated graphics card to be able to play some games if necessary (then I found out there aren't that many games for OSX, I wasn't willing to install XP and in the mean time I bought a PS3) 

    Here are some things that I've discovered since making the decision 

    1. The FireWire 800 port came in handy. I could not get my Western Digital My Book Pro to connect using FireWire 400. Research seems to indicate it might be some conflict with the iSight camera. Works flawlessly using FireWire 800. 

    2. Coming from a 15.4 Dell with 1680x1050 I was disappointed with the 1440x900 resolution.
    3. Buying a MBP is much better on Amazon. The price is lower, there are usually rebates and you don't pay sales tax (which on a $2000 purchase makes a significant difference). 
    4. Most of the time I'm at home and I have my laptop connected to an external monitor, keyboard and mouse so the original concerns about size did not seem very relevant in the long run.

    In conclusion: If you don't intend to do graphics rendering or run a couple of VM's at the same time the 13'' should suffice, but if you plan on using the laptop itself (without an external keyboard/monitor) the size can make a difference.  

    On Dec 27, 2007 1:00 PM, <skip at pobox.com> wrote:

      I've got a 15" Powerbook G4 that should be retired.  I'm thinking of
      replacing it with a MacBook, but I'm wondering if I'll be disapppointed with
      the smaller 13" screen.  The other major difference seems to be in the 
      graphics configuration (NVidia GeForce vs Intel GMA - where the Intel
      processor eats up a chunk of main memory instead of having its own memory).
      Anybody out there with a decent amount of experience with the two (more than 
      just fooling around at the Apple Store) with both systems have any opinions?
      Bottom line, is the Pro worth the extra $1,000?


      Skip Montanaro

      Chicago mailing list
      Chicago at python! .org

    Cosmin Stejerean

    Chicago mailing list
    Chicago at python.org


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