[Chicago] xkcd on Python

bray at sent.com bray at sent.com
Mon Dec 10 18:02:19 CET 2007

On Sun, 9 Dec 2007 21:43:29 -0600, "Brian W. Fitzpatrick"
<fitz at red-bean.com> said:
> Donald Knuth came and asked "What's the name of my O(log log n) search
> algorithm?"

He must have meant O(n log n) for QuickSort right? What was his answer?

On a separate note, I am taking an advanced data structures class right
now where we are studying a lot on complexities and algorithms. It
amazes me how much Python already looks like pseudocode. I am not
surprised the computer scientist like Python.  I am doing a couple algo
in Python for and a database class. I wanted to do a MST-PRIM with a Fib
Heap as the Queue, but I could not figure out how to do it without
pointer support. 

Anyway, nice story.


Brian Ray

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