[Chicago] django hosting

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Mon Dec 10 00:22:27 CET 2007

Here are the recommendations:
Dreamhost	FCGI	See How to set up Django.	$119.40
WebFaction 	mod_python	 Host hundreds of Django sites. Your own 
Apache/mod_python instance for maximum control. They even have a Django-specific 
screencast And now they offer a Django-capable plan for $7.50 / month. 	$102
RimuHosting VPS Hosting	Xen, dedicated	Mention when ordering. (VPS allows 
do-it-yourself installation, so FCGI/Lighttpd also possible)	$239.40
Linode	User-mode Linux	Super helpful support staff and django users in IRC 
channel, built by developers for everyone!	$239.40
Slicehost	Xen	 Xen VPS hosting, Built for Developers, starting at 256MB RAM	$240

I could use some help understanding the pros/cons of some of the options.  About 
all I know is I don't need a dedicated box.

Price: $20/month is fine.

My intent is to have my client actually sign up and pay the bill directly.  So 
it will be their account, not something I have to worry about for the next 5+ 
years.  They can give me the pw, and if they get pissed at me they can change 
the pw and give it to someone else.

I have had an apache box running for as long as I have had a cable modem, which 
I think is over 10 years.  So I 'can' admin the box, but I am not sure I want 
to. I am also pretty sure that I am not a good admin, and my client deserves a 
good one.  so either I have to become good, or I have to pay someone to be good. 
  right now I would rather pay.

I am more interested in someone being paid to maintain a bunch of apache stuff 
running on whatever OS/hardware they feel is good, who will be on top of 
problems because thats all they do.  If there is a problem, they will be all 
over it and 100's of accounts will all have the same problem.  If a kernel 
upgrade doesn't get along with some apache thing, it won't be my problem.

mod_python vs FCGI - "Apache with mod_python currently is the preferred setup 
for using Django on a production server." 
Is there any reason I would go with FCGI?

What is the deal with installing python modules, like PIL, reportlab and dateutil?

How are database backups done?

Carl K

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