[Chicago] BARcamp Updates - Events, Jobs

Jason Rexilius jason at hostedlabs.com
Sun Dec 2 19:41:37 CET 2007

Hi Everyone!

   Another update about upcoming events and some other good stuff!


This Thursday 12/6/07, 6pm @ Debonair Social Club  1575 N Milwaukee Ave 
in Wicker Park...  Ignite-Chicago!

Sean Harper is putting together a great winter-time event, a little more 
organized than BARcamp ;-)

Ignite Chicago is a small conference, free and open to the community, 
built around 5 minute presentations that include 20 slides each 
(allowing for 15 seconds / slide).


Also wanted to tell everyone about some great jobs out there:

HostedLABS (my company) is hiring a CTO, Software Engineers, and PHP 
developers.  Will be at Ignite, would love to chat with people there!

Tribune is hiring some SA's, DBA's and QA folk (work on Metromix)

Harvest Trading is looking for a Unix SA.

Ludorum is looking for a Director of Technology.

Take a look at the Job Board (and feel free to post yours, its free for 



Last tid-bit..

Seems most people who replied wanted (2) BARcamps per year..  I am 
thinking seriously about that but think that perhaps doing Winter and 
Summer would be good timing for not conflicting with other BARcamps. 
Also winter is kinda dead ;-)

Any one have any last opinions on the 1 or 2 BARcamps per year questions?

Take care and see you all at Ignite this Thursday!


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