[Chicago] is there really no built-in file/iter split() thing?

David Terrell dbt at meat.net
Mon Dec 3 16:24:36 CET 2007

On Sun, Dec 02, 2007 at 01:52:01AM -0600, skip at pobox.com wrote:
>     Ian> One thing I've noticed is that some string operations are fairly
>     Ian> efficient in this case, because they notice when they wouldn't do
>     Ian> anything and don't create a new string.
>     ...
>     >>> x.split()[0] is x
>     False
> Patch here:
>     http://bugs.python.org/issue1538

And who says these micro-optimization threads don't lead to useful


David Terrell
dbt at meat.net
((meatspace)) http://meat.net/

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