[Chicago] Contractors needed

Mark Ramm mark.mchristensen at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 21:31:14 CEST 2007

I've got a few customers looking to get jobs done, and I'm running out
of resources to be able to do those jobs.   So, I'm looking for a few
good contractors, interested in doing pyhon web development.   I have
back-end web service stuff, and front-end user facing software jobs,
and I'm looking for people interested in very short term make few
hundred extra dollars a week type jobs, and for people interested in
forging a longer term relationship with some of our clients.

So, if you've got some free time, and are interested in making a bit
of extra money, please drop me a note and I'll give you a call and we
can talk.

Mark Ramm-Christensen
email: mark at compoundthinking dot com
blog: www.compoundthinking.com/blog

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