[Chicago] Ed Leafe of Dabo in Chicago.

Robert Ramsdell rcriii at ramsdells.net
Thu Sep 28 22:36:49 CEST 2006

On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 15:56 -0500, Carl Karsten wrote:
> Hi list,

Hi Carl.  Since no-one else has replied, I thought I'd take a shot.

> I'm Carl Karsten.  Chicago resident (Niles really) that has just started taking 
> Python seriously.  for the last 10+ years I have been doing VFP,  which is why I 
> am on the chi-VFP users group meeting planning group.  have some links:
> http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?wiki~CarlKarsten
> http://www.chicagofudg.com
> Python is very much like VFP, which is why for our (VFPgroup) November or 
> December meeting (2nd Tuesday) we are looking at having Ed Leafe come out and 
> show us some Python things, maybe http://dabodev.com.

I don't know anything about VFP, but we are always glad to have new
people come out.

Dabo sounds like it wants to do for desktop apps what Django and
Turbogears do for webapps - automate as much as possible the database
connection and interface-making.  Always a good goal.

> Here is an example of a talk Ed has done recently:
> http://foxforward.net/session.php?topic=16
> I know he has shown Dabo at Pycon and there was some interest.  Enough that I 
> would think other Pythoners would be interested.  Here are some examples of what 
> he does http://dabodev.com/documentation  - I thought one of his Pycon talks was 
> there, but I can't find it now.  I'll post if I find it.  He has been doing 
> talks for years, he is very good at it - power point slides, hand outs, 
> downloads, etc.
> So the point of all this:   it is a $350 plane ticket to get Ed out here.  That 
> is a bit steep for our group.  In the past, we have done 1/2 seminars and 
> charged $100 or so (we need to pay for the room too, and like give the speaker 
> something for their time.)  It worked out great when we had VFP speakers/topics, 
> not so sure how well it would work for Ed.

Chipy doesn't have any money (we barely have a structure), so we
probably couldn't help Ed financially as a group.  For me a $100/person
seminar seems steep.

> What kind of interest is there?  Do you guys have access to a meeting room 
> during the day?

No idea about meeting rooms during the day.  We meet once-a-month on a
thursday night, and usually line up a meeting space at the last minute.

> You are all welcome to come to the vfp meeting (I would only recomend the one Ed 
> will be at:) - give me a heads up a head of time - the room only has about 20 
> chairs, it doesn't take much to overflow it.

Likewise.  If Ed is in town the second Thursday on the month, have him
stop by ChiPy and we can probably guarantee him pizza and drinks

> Carl K
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