[Chicago] T1 Providers

Edward S. Marshall esm at logic.net
Wed Oct 25 13:10:41 CEST 2006

> On 10/24/06, *Joshua McAdams* <joshua.mcadams at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Does anyone have a T1 provider that they could recommend or any that I
>     should be warned about?  My building is considering changing providers
>     because we are paying way too much now, but some of the deals seem too
>     good for me to believe that there is a decent service provider behind
>     them.

Give Arthur Zards or Brian Clark at XNet a call; I've been both an
employee (a LONG time ago) and a customer (currently and in several
previous lives), and have nothing but good things to say about their
responsiveness and capabilities. They're also one of the few independent
B2B ISPs left in the Chicago area that either hasn't been acquired by a
larger national provider, or has let their customer service fall off
because they're angling toward being acquired by same and want to reduce
costs. ;-)


Edward S. Marshall <esm at logic.net>
Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.

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