[Chicago] Inline modules declarations? [tangent off of "Fw: using CruiseControl for non-java projects?"]

Chris McAvoy chris.mcavoy at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 19:36:56 CEST 2006

On 10/9/06, Jason R Huggins <JRHuggins at thoughtworks.com> wrote:
> Chris McAvoy wrote on 10/05/2006 01:18:44 PM:
> > On 10/5/06, Jason R Huggins wrote:
> > > FYI... first response... "We rolled our own".   :-/
> > >
> >
> > After your first response a few days ago, roll your own has been on
> > the top of my radar.  I sometimes forget that the languages we all
> > like best really started out as "scripting" languages.  I sometimes
> > forget that it's perfectly acceptable to write "scripts".
> I was playing around with what a sample build script could/should look
> like in Python...

Eeep.  I wrote this "DSL" based on an article by one of your
coworkers.  It really has nothing to do with what you're talking
about, but it does illustrate my favorite new cool trick in that other

name "Test job 1"
scan  'http://google.com',
with 'badone', 'badtwo'
tell 'cmcavoy at performics.com'
This really has nothing to do with what you're asking.


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