[Chicago] minimock

rcriii at ramsdells.net rcriii at ramsdells.net
Fri Nov 10 22:06:30 CET 2006

Some one asked me how long I had spent with Dabo to get where I was.  I
started looking at it a couple of weeks ago, but really only devoted about
3 full days to it (with caveats about how productive I am when the time is
chopped up).  In that time I:

Figured out the App wizard
Added a tab to one page in a Wizard generated app
Figured out how to make one field in the form a hyperlink in the generated
Figured out how to customize the auto-report

> Ian Bicking wrote:
> I wrote it up in a couple minutes here:
> http://svn.colorstudy.com/home/ianb/recipes/minimock.py
> Also copied below:

Keeping score:

Robert: 3 days to make minor changes to an existing app
Ian:  3 minutes to make a brand-new testing app.



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